Monday, November 1, 2010


One of my primary missions with my Etsy shop is to encourage creativity.  This month is my favorite time of year for imagination.  Something exciting is happening all over the world this November: NaNoWriMo.

For those of you unfamiliar with the acronym, National Novel Writing Month is the time of year when thousands of writers worldwide aim to write (at least) 50,000 words in 30 days.  I'm doing it, and you can follow my progress on my (other) blog, How to Survive Writing a First Draft.  This will be my fourth year of writing madness, and I have a story I'm itching to write, so hopefully it will be a successful month.  I highly recommend participating.  Busy?  Even better!  I look forward to setting aside the hour or two for myself every morning to work on my book.  A cup of coffee, a bagel, and a blank page.

For those of you also participating (and I'm using the honor system--you don't have to send me a Word document of your novel), I'm offering 10% off all journals in my shop for NaNo participants during the month of November.  Just convo me with "NaNo" as the subject line.  If you sponsor my writing with as little as $5, you get the Good Citizen's Discount of 10% as well, and you get the satisfaction of knowing you helped a good cause.

Happy writing!

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