Monday, January 3, 2011

I've Had a Nice Vacation...

...and now I'm ready to get back in the game.

Obviously, I am making a resolution to blog more frequently. I think I make that goal about once a month, hold myself to it for a few days, and then relapse into my once-a-week BESTeam feature. "I'm serious this time!" Really, I will blog more. Hold me to it, mates.

I would love to list a new item every day, but unfortunately, I'm drowning in the current economy, and I have been so busy trying to keep bread on the table that keeping books in my shop has been lower on the list of priorities than I would like. I often read "Quit Your Day Job," and think to myself how nice that would be, but realistically, I have miles to go.

The more manageable goals include taking new product photographs, designing a cohesive product line, and keeping my records organized.

That's it for now, but hopefully I'll be back tomorrow!

Check out the feature that Norah from Your Daily Jewels wrote about my shop! Thanks Norah! BESTeam is awesome!

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